
2020 June - July

Created by Carol one year ago
After a seizure Adam was initially diagnosed with Brain Cancer, further tests changed his diagnosis to Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis. He joked “I’ve dodged a bullet mum!’ He was happy to be given his life back. A week later following a massive seizure he lost consciousness and was transferred to The NHNN for emergency brain surgery. He survived for twelve days receiving 24 hour medical care on the Surgical ITU. Adam died from a very rare brain infection, the 3 and 5mm lesions in the front of Adam’s brain had grown to the size of large lemons and multiplied causing irreversible brain damage. As I write this its Adam’s birthday tomorrow, its nearly two and a half years without him and sometimes its still hard to believe he’s not coming home. Of course I know he isn’t, its hard to comprehend the reality of what happened especially with Covid and lockdown restricting everything from visiting to his funeral. Adam was so happy, in love and still had so much to do in his life. I feel sad for him not realising his hopes and dreams. Adam was always a dreamer and we loved him for it. He was positive and always enjoyed life. Adam was funny, quick witted, always laughing with an answer for everything and absolutely charming. His Masters in English Literature gave him the confidence and ability to travel the world teaching English in China, Casablanca, Prague and Berlin, making many friends along the way. In his late twenties he settled in London to embark on a career in PR and marketing. It was the perfect job for him, he loved it! Adam was cheerful and enthusiastic about life. He enjoyed playing his guitar and piano, going to gigs as well as socialising with his friends in the UK and those he met whilst working abroad.